Version 2.6.x
- Optimize kraid rock projectiles to reduce lag when Kraid rises (2.6.0)
- Use enemy ID to determine which enemies are cleared on preset load (2.6.0)
- Add boot-to-menu functionality (2.6.0)
- Use correct VRAM transfer mode for savestates (2.6.0)
- Custom title screen demos (attract mode) added (2.6.0)
- PAL Debug option added to NTSC and is persistent (2.6.1)
- Prevent other shortcuts from matching the menu shortcut (2.6.1)
- Improve walljump, charge, moondance, shinespark and shinetune infohud modes (2.6.1)
- Added Door HUD Mode to give info when touching a door transition (2.6.2)
- Added Strat Reward SFX to play a sound when achieving certain HUD mode and room strats (2.6.2)
- Added options to randomize equipment when loading a preset (2.6.2)
- Added Audio and sound test menu (2.6.2)
- Hotfix a freeze in the customize menu (
- Fixed a crash when activating reserves in the pause menu (
- Many fixes and improvements for category presets (2.6.3)
- Added Ceres entry and elevator entry options for presets (2.6.4)
- Added a health alarm option and shot timer learned about magic super (2.6.4)
- Ported many code improvements and fixes from IFB, including six new preset categories (2.6.5)
- Events menu expanded to include zebitites, items, doors, map stations (2.6.5)
- Differentiate vanilla/vanilla+ top-left display modes (2.6.5)
- Added spinlock option and force map grid alignment option (2.6.5)
- Walljump mode learned Mt. Everest and adjust rules for detecting bonks (2.6.5)
- Fix artificial Varia crash on console and add back suit animation (
Version 2.5.x
- Added a separate version of savestates for MiSTer, Everdrives, and most modern emulators (not SNES Classic/VC) (2.5.0)
- Added an option for fast doors/elevators, similar to randomizer (2.5.0)
- Improved hitbox viewers for large enemies and added a special option for MB and Ridley (2.5.0)
- Added an option to speedup the Nintendo logo at boot (2.5.0)
- Added an option to toggle liquid physics from the current room (2.5.0)
- Removed blue suit from some presets that no longer need it (2.5.0)
- Fixed Magic Pants when running with aiming poses (2.5.0)
- Fixed in-game time being reset after Ceres (2.5.0)
- Improved equipment menu options and fixed beam graphics bugs (2.5.0)
- Prevented savestates from affecting infohud settings (2.5.0)
- Item and beam menus now use 3-way toggles (2.5.1)
- Preserve the escape timer after reaching the ship (2.5.1)
- Update HUD timers before Baby skip and after unpausing (2.5.1)
- Added Arm Pump HUD mode to measure successful and failed pump inputs (2.5.1)
- Added Ridley AI room strat to monitor Ridley's behavior (2.5.1)
- Added cutscene options to disable flashing and earthquake effects in various places (2.5.1)
- Fixed a bug that caused Golden Torizo to only produce one drop (2.5.1)
- Fixed annoying sounds when exiting the practice menu in the title/gameover menus (2.5.1)
- Fixed teleporting from an elevator to a save station (2.5.1)
- Fixed presets that were saved mid-shinespark (2.5.1)
- Fixed incorrect HUD graphics after toggling the minimap and loading a savestate (2.5.1)
- Fixed several crashes on PAL builds (2.5.2)
- Fixed OoB Tile Viewer and minimap graphics when loading a savestate (2.5.2)
- Fixed bomb blocks in Aqueduct with Area Rando setting (2.5.2)
- Split Fast Doors+Elevators into two separate toggles (2.5.2)
- Added Kraid wait RNG control (2.5.3)
- Updated Snail Clip to account for Hi-Jump Boots (2.5.3)
- Improved Mother Brain presets to fix acid level and raise Mother Brain normally (2.5.3)
- Added Water Physics options including DASH Recall's Pressure Valve (2.5.3)
- Fixed and expanded Equip Items menu to include DASH Recall items (2.5.3)
- Added ability to override beam damage with custom damage including DASH Recall (2.5.3)
- Added VARIA Tweaks and DASH Recall room layouts, and made other rando layouts more realistic (2.5.3)
- Added new RNG controls for Botwoon's 2nd+ rounds, hidden movements, and spit attack (2.5.4)
- Updated Wall Jump/Hypo Jump support and expanded Botwoon CF to work in East Pants Room (2.5.4)
- Added starting momentum calculation to Shine Tune (2.5.4)
- Added a toggle for Pseudo G-Mode which disables PLM processing (2.5.4)
- Fixed falling Ceres tiles when loading from a preset (2.5.4)
- Added a sprite feature to show the 32x32 grid used for projectile vs projectile collisions (2.5.5)
- Added a submenu to display information about custom preset slots (2.5.5)
- Added options to customize the color palettes and sound effects used by the practice menu (2.5.5)
- Added an option and controller shortcut to trigger a savestate in the middle of the next door transition (2.5.5)
- Added cutscene option to skip the game over screen (2.5.5)
- Added RNG control for the direction Phantoon's flames will bounce (2.5.5)
- Fixed presets that load into Draygon's room (2.5.5)
- Room Layout: Added custom door portals and updated Green Hill Zone (2.5.6)
- Add option to not update timers when riding elevators or grabbing items (2.5.6)
- Keyboard menu for naming custom presets (2.5.6)
- Add option to auto-save every room (2.5.6)
- Spikesuit trainer GTC improvement to keep checking inputs when early (2.5.6)
- G4 statue states can be toggled, and remove sprites on entering room with OOB viewer (2.5.6)
- Small updates to HUD separators, 32x32 boxes, fix scroll offsets (2.5.6)
- Added Downback Zeb Skip and Draygon AI to room strats (2.5.7)
- Allow loading custom presets with the Reload Last Preset shortcut (2.5.7)
- Fixed reversed first round mid patterns in Phantoon RNG controls (2.5.7)
- Added Item Pickups and Left/Right and Up/Down doors to Room Layout (2.5.8)
- Added Two Cries room strat (2.5.8)
- DASH Recall update for Moat room and Suit Properties so Varia gives 75% environmental protection (2.5.8)
- Added a cutscene option to unlock the camera after Kraid quick kill (2.5.8)
- Added options to rearrange and delete custom preset slots (2.5.8)
- Hotfix a crash when loading presets in scrolling sky rooms (
- Door Portals: Fixed shinespark and added Horizontal Mirroring option (2.5.9)
- Added options to adjust fanfare timers and reset segment timer on next item touch (2.5.9)
- Minor fixes for minimap and vanilla HUD modes (2.5.9)
- Added infohud frames held mode (2.5.9)
- Fixed Two Cries minor issue and added support for the no springball setup (2.5.9)
- Improved Speedrun timer mode to adjust for faster transitions and skipped boss intros (2.5.10)
- Update timers when Crocomire changes music (2.5.10)
- Fixed missing controls after teleporting or loading a preset before selecting a save file (2.5.10)
- Room Layout: Added flashing doors and minor fixes (2.5.10)
- Added complementary suit properties (2.5.10)
- Added stable spacetime protection (2.5.10)
- Fix incorrect font on top-level menu (
- Fix Phantoon RNG menu (2.5.11)
- Add Bomb Torizo Door and added DASH Recall mini-savestations (2.5.11)
- Only cancel pause on shortcuts if the shortcut contains start input (2.5.11)
- Timing optimizations when fading in room (2.5.11)
- Offset timer increment after save/load state (2.5.11)
- Skip HDMA handler and infohud game loop when gameplay is skipped (2.5.12)
- Add moondance and wasteland room strats (2.5.12)
- Adjust timing optimizations when fading in room (
Version 2.4.x
- Added raw tile graphics to speed up preset loading (2.4.0)
- Added room layout and game cutscenes menus (2.4.0)
- Added Common RAM Address submenu for RAM Watch (2.4.0)
- Added Controller Bindings menu to Game options (2.4.0)
- New options in the Equipment menu (2.4.0)
- Automatically fix camera scrolling when loading custom presets (2.4.0)
- Fixed background and camera scrolling issues with 100% Items presets (2.4.0)
- Added more presets to the Early Ice KPDR (2.4.0)
- Support MB2/MB3/Zebes escape presets (2.4.1)
- Fixed many minor bugs when loading presets (2.4.1)
- Fixed corrupted water graphics when closing the menu (2.4.1)
- Fixed pausing on PAL region roms (2.4.1)
- Added options to skip Kraid and/or Phantoon intro cutscenes (2.4.1)
- Expanded options for Phantoon first and second round RNG control (2.4.1)
- Added number of frames shot was released to the Charge Timer InfoHUD mode (2.4.1)
- Open blue doors by default when loading presets (2.4.1)
- Added top-left option to show vanilla-style health (2.4.1)
- Added Pacifist Mode to disable Samus' damage to enemies for endurance boss fights (2.4.2)
Version 2.3.x
- Add support for showing an overlay of Samus hitbox on top of Samus sprite (2.3.0)
- Added an "OOB Tile Viewer" that will show an overlay of raw tile data (2.3.0)
- Added No X-Factor variations for PRKD's Lower Norfair presets. (2.3.0)
- Allow users to save and load custom presets from SRAM. (2.3.0)
- Added 100% Map Completion category presets. (2.3.0)
- Added Loud Pants which adds sound effects for magic/space pants (2.3.0)
- Updated various infohud and room strat modes to support PAL (2.3.0)
- Fixed issues with taco tank reporting of first two numbers (2.3.0)
- Fixed conflict between menu and Kraid graphics (2.3.0)
- Fixed KPDR early ice whomple jump preset (2.3.0)
- Show fanfare when enemies killed shortcut is used (2.3.0)
- Added room strat for the parlor-climb door skip (2.3.1)
- Added status icons for elevator and shinetimer, replacing max etanks (2.3.1)
- Migrated RAM from bank 7F to 7E, and cleaned up bank 84 footprint (2.3.1)
- Fixed Ceres presets so they can be loaded from Zebes (2.3.1)
- Added vanilla/balanced/progressive suit properties options (2.3.1)
- Minor QoL improvements and menu options added (2.3.1/2.3.2)
- Added health bomb status icon and snail clip room strat (2.3.2)
- Menu number fields can be scrolled faster by holding left or right (2.3.2)
- Added room strat for three jump baby skip (2.3.3)
- Added RNG control for Phantoon flame patterns (2.3.3)
- Disable scrolling sky to fix graphics when loading presets (2.3.3)
- Fixed crash on reload preset and bad graphics on Fireflea room presets (2.3.3)
- Added hitbox viewers for enemies and projectiles (2.3.3)
- Added menu options to disable enemy projectiles and kill enemies (2.3.3)
- Added hitbox viewer for extended spritemap enemies, such as Phantoon and Draygon (2.3.4)
- Support 8-bit writes with RAM Watch/Editor (2.3.4)
- Option to display reserve energy in place of item collection percentage (2.3.4)
- Music fixes and additional music and low health warning options (2.3.4)
- Prevent crash when loading savestate while item dialog was opening or closing (2.3.4)
- Fixed blue shading on backgrounds after opening menu while paused (2.3.4)
- Support ceres escape custom presets (2.3.4)
Version 2.2.x
- Added submenus for Preset Categories, InfoHUD Display Modes, and Room Strats. (2.2)
- Update room timers between Mother Brain phases. (2.2)
- Added support for five digit decimal numbers and hexidecimal. (2.2)
- Added RNG Controls for Phantoon, Draygon, and Crocomire. (2.2)
- Fixed Botwoon RNG Control and endgame cutscene crash. (2.2)
- Added presets for Any% PKRD. (2.2)
- Added Space Pants and random preset shortcut. (2.2.1)
- Added Gate Glitch and Taco Tank to the Room Strat list. (2.2.1)
- Replaced vertical speed subpixels with jump feedback. (2.2.1)
- When fanfare is off, music is not interrupted. (2.2.1)
- Added average climb speed to the Wall Jump infohud mode. (2.2.2)
- Automatically select Power Bombs when loading certain presets. (2.2.3)
- Added RAM Watch HUD mode with a new InfoHUD menu. (2.2.3)
- Update HUD timers when boss drops spawn. (2.2.3)
- Reset segment timer at game start for practice run timing. (2.2.3)
- Added initial jump speed to vertical speed display. (2.2.3)
- Update room timers when grabbed by statues. (2.2.4)
- Fixed door stuck bug after loading presets from a door transition. (2.2.4)
- Added minimap option, debug CPU brightness option, Kraid claw RNG. (2.2.4)
- Allow GT Max% equipment levels. (2.2.4)
- CPU% calcalation now includes the artifical lag. (2.2.4)
- Restored room timers while minimap is enabled. (2.2.5)
- Fix bad camera scroll after loading certain presets. (2.2.6)
- Update HUD timers on Ceres elevator and ship entry. (2.2.6)
- Automatically switch between Enemy HP and MB HP. (2.2.7)
- Added a metronome with timing and sound options. (2.2.7)
- Added an option to automatically reset the segment timer when exiting the next door transition. (2.2.8)
- Added category presets for GT Max% and Nintendo Power. (2.2.8)
- Added equipment options to adjust current energy and reserve energy. (2.2.8)
- X-Ray and Grapple icons now hidden in InfoHUD if GT Code was used. (2.2.8)
Version 2.1.x
- Prevent accidental Murder Beam after setting Equipment from menu. (2.1)
- Added Shine Tune and Shot Timer to the Infohud Mode options. (2.1.1)
- Reordered Infohud Mode options and added Room Strat menu with Moat CWJ. (2.1.2)
- Added Horiz Speed (speed + momentum) and Jump Press to Infohud Mode options. (2.1.2)
- Added subpixels to position and speed options and improved Shine Tune feedback. (2.1.2)
- Added Spikesuit to Infohud Mode options and Shine to PB to Room Strat options. (2.1.3)
- Added Botwoon CF Room Strat and updated Spikesuit to consider springball. (2.1.4)
- Preset improvements for Any% PRKD, KPDR 21%, and GT Classic. (2.1.4)
- Fixed RBO preset for Pit Room to start before the door. (2.1.5)
- Initial implementation for transparency support. (2.1.6)
- Added Robot Flush to the Room Strat list. (2.1.7)
- Replaced Lag Counter with CPU Usage and added Invincibility toggle. (2.1.8)
- Added Quick Drop and Wall Jump (replacing Jump Press) to Infohud Mode options. (2.1.8)
- Added Elevator CF to the Room Strat list and a Infohud Mode/Room Strat help page. (2.1.8)
- Update the room timer on activating an elevator. (2.1.9)
Version 2.0.x
- Fix the Save State and Load State button combos being intercepted by the non-sd2snes rom. (2.0.1)
- Add support for RBO preset. (2.0.2)
- Add 2 Supers to the PRKD presets between Pre-Bowling and Speed. (2.0.3)
- Fix a few RBO preset states, and shorten many preset names. (2.0.4)
- Move RBO into a separate copy of the ROM, and enable the full set of RBO preset locations. (2.0.5)
- Add support for a KPDR preset using the beginner-friendly 25% route (Early Ice, Spazer, 5 tank, 25/10/5) (2.0.6)
- Add X Position and Y Position to the Infohud Mode options. (2.0.7)
- Add support for a GT Classic preset (2.0.8)
- Add support for a KPDR preset using the standard 21% route (3 tank, 20/10/5) (2.0.9)
- Move KPDR 21% presets to the combined ROM. (2.0.10)
- Add cooldown timer to the Infohud Mode options. (2.0.11)
- Add support for 14% Ice presets. (2.0.12)
- Included all preset categories in the same ROM (2.0.13)
- Add support for 14% Speed and Any% All Bosses (multiple routes). (2.0.14)
- Add support for 100% Early Croc route. Changed default shortcut for Load Preset. (2.0.15)
Version 2.0
- This version includes a major rewrite of the menu system and a bunch more exciting changes made by Pinkus.
- Presets available for various points in the PRKD and Hundo routes
- Customizable artificial lag to offset the lack of minimap
Version 1.42
- Added "Magic Pants" to the menu (Config -> Infohud -> Magic Pants). This flashes Samus on the frame run needs to be held to charge a spark.
- Added options for setting specific ammo counts.
- Added "Reset all Doors" and "Reset all Items" to the events menu.
- Possibly some other small changes